How do I cite surveys, questionnaires, and other measurement instruments in APA format?


Here is a link from the APA blog that talks about citing surveys, questionnaires, and other measurement instruments:

Samples from the blog include:

In-Text Citations

In the body of your paper, be careful to write the name exactly as it appears in your reference. And here again, capitalize the test name, because it is a proper noun. However, capitalize the word survey (or instrumentquiz, etc.) only if it’s part of the test’s name:

“In this study, we used Purring’s (2012) Charisma and Tenacity Survey (CATS) rather than Barks and Howls’s (2013) Directions of Generosity survey.”


A test's name is a proper noun, so be sure to capitalize it in the reference.

Purring, A. (2012). Charisma and Tenacity Survey [Measurement instrument]. 
     Retrieved from



  • Last Updated Nov 06, 2017
  • Views 612
  • Answered By Sheryll Hampton

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